Sunday, October 30, 2016

...And the Gift Was Unwrapped


October 31 is my birthday.  Growing up, it was a great day to have a birthday, because there were always people getting together to go “trick or treating”, so we would go beg for candy then return home for cake and a few presents.  (We had enough sugar to last us until Christmas!) What a great excuse to have a double party!!  When I got married and had kids of my own, my birthday was usually lost in their (my kids’) Halloween experience, as it should have been; however, Kathy and my mom always kept my birthday on their radar and made me feel special.  

My birthday this year was a little different in that it was the first year in my whole life that my mom, who passed away earlier this year, was not here to bake a cake or phone a greeting or add to the festivities.  I must admit it was a bit strange, and a lot sad.  

A few days prior to my birthday, Kathy and I received an email from our sending agency (Global Strategy of the Church of God) stating that we had received a generous check for the hospital from an individual who had hand delivered it to the main Church of God offices.  The individual had stated that the check was to be given to us in honor of my mom, who had given so much of her time and effort to support so many in their time of medical need, specifically with cancer.  My mom had prayed with, cooked for, and listened to so many, that when this donor heard that her son (me) was doing things in Haiti, she wanted to give a gift…honoring my mom.  

Unbeknownst to this individual, this “gift” arrived right around my birthday.  It hit me like a ton of bricks, that this first birthday without my mom, God still found a way to give me a gift “from” my mom.  Wow!!!  Somehow, after all of these years, she is still finding a way to take care of her “little boy” and add to the special things already planned by my wife.  Isn’t that just like God??  As our heavenly parent, He gives us gifts at times when we are not only NOT expecting them, but aren’t even aware that we need them:  gifts of encouragement, support, love and life.  Thank you, God, for the great gifts!!  Thanks, Mom, for being the kind of mom who continues to make me feel special, even from heaven!  I look forward to next year’s birthday (God willing), and we can celebrate together again! 


  1. Wow! God is so full of surprises. Thank you for sharing. Just a reminder of how God sooo personally loves us and wants to give us great gifts. Thanks for being such a great gift to so many, you and your family. Lots o birthday hugs from afar. Clarice and the boys

  2. I miss her so much, but our God is an awesome God. So is his timing!

  3. God is truly with you and His mission in Haiti is blessed to have your team as His hands and feet and most of all Love. God bless you all, larry and kelly brown
